Why Is the Number of Accidents Involving Large Trucks Increasing?

Drivers share the road with numerous other types of vehicles, including trucks. Trucks are crucial for the global economy and for last-mile deliveries. However, recent statistics show the number of accidents involving trucks is increasing. This trend is worrying because of how devastating such accidents can be. Trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and therefore have a lot of momentum even when driving at the speed limit.

The surge in these types of accidents requires investigation, so we will look at the possible and confirmed reasons why this is happening.

There Are More Cars and Road Users

Population growth in key areas across the United States means more cars and road users on the roads. The increase in overall truck and road user volume means there is a higher probability of accidents involving trucks. Additionally, many families own more than one vehicle, with businesses owning fleets of multiple vehicles. Both contribute to the increased number of cars on the roads.

Careless Drivers and Road Users

Mathematically, an increase in the number of drivers and road users also means an increase in the number of careless ones. Statistics show that passenger car drivers were at fault for a high percentage of large trucks involving passenger cars.

This is also true for other road users who do not follow traffic laws, such as yielding or stopping completely at intersections. Some road users stay on trucks’ blind spots or coast closely behind them to save fuel.

All these are dangerous acts that put trucks, truck drivers, and other road users in danger. Passenger vehicle drivers and other road users should recognize their role in large truck accidents and take measures to avoid them.

Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue has been a concern in the trucking industry for decades because it directly impacts truck and road safety. Some causes of driver fatigue include irregular sleep patterns, long driving hours, and demanding schedules. Such schedules can lead to exhaustion directly linked to impaired judgment and reduced reaction time. If you are involved in an accident involving a fatigued driver, you should contact a truck accident lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve.

While there are federal regulations concerning hours of service, many businesses and trucking companies are still prioritizing timely deliveries over drivers’ rest. By doing so, they end up putting their drives, trucks, and businesses in jeopardy. The latter happens because no business wants its precious goods hauled by a company with a poor safety record.

Businesses must observe hour-of-service rules and prioritize their drivers’ health, rest, and well-being to keep our roads safe. Businesses should also have procedures to mandate that drivers have adequate rest periods. Once they do the above, trucking businesses can significantly reduce the risk and occurrence of fatigue-related truck accidents.

Technology is Playing a Role

Large trucks now come with numerous safety features that help prevent accidents. Examples include electronic stability control, collision avoidance systems, lane assist, and anti-lock brakes. The concerning part is that players in the US trucking industry have not embraced trucks that use these systems because they are an expensive investment.

The result is some parts of the world having a safer trucking industry and fewer truck accidents because these systems are mandated, and some parts of the United States having poor road accident records because they are not in use.

The other way technology is playing a role is through distracted driving. Mobile devices have become an integral part of modern life. We use them for most things in our personal and professional lives. Despite their incredible utility, they can be dangerous if a driver uses them while driving.

This is not to say they cannot be useful when driving. Many truck drivers use their maps to navigate new routes or understand what is happening on the road ahead of them. However, actively using a smartphone when driving leads to distracted driving where a driver takes their eyes off the road.

With how quickly things can change, especially at highway speeds, distracted driving increases the risk of truck accidents many times over.

Trucking accidents must have measures to ensure their drivers remain focused on the road. Failure to do so means you could file a lawsuit with the help of a truck accident injury lawyer against the driver or the trucking company if you are injured in a truck accident.

Driver Shortages are Leading to a Higher Number of Inexperienced Drivers

The American Trucking Association says that the driver shortage will drop to a low of 64,000 in 2023 from 78,000 in 2022. This 20% fall is significant, but it is not enough. Additionally, the driver shortage is projected to worsen in the coming decades as experienced truck drivers retire and fewer people sign up to drive the trucks our economies rely on.

With these compounding issues, businesses have to do whatever they must to fill their needs. In many cases, that entails hiring inexperienced drivers.

Driving a large truck is very different from driving a regular vehicle because of its weight, height, width, speed, controls, and numerous other factors. Drivers must also consider other road users and think about their actions more deeply than they would when driving a regular vehicle because a truck accident often results in severe injuries and fatalities.

Having enough experience keeps truck drivers and other road users safe. The increase in the number of inexperienced truck drivers or those with little experience increases the risk of accidents and puts all road users at risk.

Poor Routing

As trucking expenses like fuel and maintenance have increased, businesses have started looking for ways to reduce costs even more. One way of doing this is directing drivers to drive the shortest route rather than the safest one.

The result is an increased risk of truck accidents, especially if the driver is unfamiliar with the shorter route. Statistics show that about 75% of truck accidents happen on on-interstate roads not built for them.

Trucking businesses should rethink how they route their drivers to ensure a balance between keeping costs low and their drivers safe. A driver should not have to take a shorter, unsafe route to save money but never arrive at their destination.

It is worrying that the number of truck accidents is increasing, especially when you realize how serious these accidents can be. Truck drivers cause them in most cases, but other factors such as careless road users can cause them, too. Those injured in truck accidents due to the actions of others might be entitled to compensation with the help of our attorneys at Karns & Karns Truck Accident Attorneys.

You should contact us through our website or visit our locations in California, Texas, and Nevada to talk directly to our attorneys.